
Randy Walker & Company, P. C.

At Randy Walker & Company, we believe that part of our promise to you is to keep you informed. Besides our open communication, we also provide you the articles below that will guide you through some of the hot topics and address some frequently asked questions.

Tag: ABLE Act

Section 529 Plans

These state-sponsored qualified tuition programs, offered as prepaid tuition plans or college savings plans, are valuable tools to help finance your child’s college education. Prepaid tuition programs allow you to lock in today’s tuition rates at participating private and public colleges and universities. College savings plans, on the other hand, offer a variety of investment

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Hear What Our Clients Say!

Randy Walker CPA provides a vital service to our community by conducting professional and thorough reviews of our financial activities.  All work is conducted in a timely and professional manner, and the attention to detail and expert advice have helped us to continuously evaluate and improve our processes and reporting.
Robert Devlin and Elizabeth KiehneSt. George Episcopal School